| Release Notes
CSG Forte release notes is a detailed account of platform features being rolled out for our merchants and partners to advance their technical and industry advantage
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Dex 1.58 Release Notes
Release Date: Sept. 7, 2021 New Features/Improvements Partner Profile Implementation Dex has added the ability to add a Sales Rep to a Portfolio. The roles Admin, Sales Manager, ISV Support, ISV no support, ISO no Support, Base Implementation, Credit Enrollment I, Cust_Relationship_Manager, Base_Cust_Relationship will be able to add Sales Rep to Portfolios. To […]
Dex 1.56 Release Notes
Release Date: March 30, 2021 Benefit to Customers Optimizing the Dex Transaction Datagrid improves its the load time and performance, giving the customer an improved experience with faster search results. Auto-subscribing Merchant and Partner Admins to IP Allow List notifications makes Dex more secure and improves the user experience for the Admin. Receipt enhancements […]
Dex 1.59 Release Notes
RELEASE DATE: OCT. 19, 2021 New Features/Improvements Partner Profile Implementation There is a new flow for creating a Rate Plan. First, the user selects the Partner, then the user selects the Sales Rep, then the user will select the Portfolio, and then the general information will be input. Portfolios will now display two […]